Greetings to all of you beings of light and love. I am that one that you know as Jesus, and we are here once again to bring our love and encouragement to you all. We are happy that you are meeting together, and we wish to blanket this gathering with our peace, which is your peace. There is conflict on your planet and in all of your lives - that is the nature of this place. There are challenges which you give to yourselves. These challenges are opportunities for you to examine where inside there is energy that matches each challenge. The invitation is for you to release this energy which the universe is reflecting back to you. And the way to do this is through forgiveness and radical acceptance. Forgive yourselves first of all, and then forgive all your brothers and sisters. Forgiveness is the acknowledgment that no wrong has ever been done. We invite you to rise above the battlefield in all of the 3D situations you find yourselves in. Float peacefully, letting go of the sandbags and distractions that weigh you down. This is indeed an important incarnation and you have come here to release all that does not serve you so that you may ascend together. All is well, despite appearances, both on your planet as a whole, and in each one of your individual experiences. There is never any cause for worry or fear. This is an exciting and wonderful process you are all going through. None of you can make a mistake here. That means that others around you cannot make mistakes either. The future is assured - and is known. You are all progressing in your ascension process and in the raising of your frequencies. We celebrate your group, and what you are gathered here for. Give us permission for upgrades if you wish to do so. We are ministering to all of you very blessed beings now. With great love, -Jesus